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Be Safe in the Sun

In this section you can learn about some of the damaging effects that too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure can have on the skin. You'll also find tips to help you protect yourself and your family from getting too much sun.

doctor examining man's skin in exam room

Learn About UV Exposure

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation comes from the sun and man-made sources like tanning beds. Learn more about UV and how to reduce your risk of skin cancer here.?

couple sit in the shade under a dock at the beach and apply sunscreen

Take Steps to Protect Yourself

Learn more about the link between the sun's rays and skin cancer, what you can do to help protect yourself and your loved ones, and how to spot skin changes that may require a doctor's attention.

Close up of a normal mole on someone's skin

Check Your Skin

See examples of skin cancer and other skin conditions and learn how to perform a skin self-exam.

young boy in a hat and sunglasses at the beach

Learn More About Skin Cancer

Get detailed information on skin cancer and test your knowledge with our skin cancer quiz.